Why Join Scouts?

Through scouts you can make friends not only locally but throughout the state and the world.

Scouts is the largest youth movement in the world with over 40 million members. Mont Albert North scouts are connected to Whitehorse District, VicScouts, Scouts Australia, and through the World Organisation of Scout Movements (WOSM) scouts in 170 other countries.

Through scouts you get progressive independence.

Scouts are youth led. It provides a group of friends to go with you and do what you want to do.

What you can do in scouts is limited only by your imagination and your ability to convince a few other scouts to do it too.

This is a lot better way to learn independence than just heading off on your own at 18.

Scouts encourages you to plan.

Scouts is a lot safer than doing things on your own.

Your program and events are supported by adults who ensure risks are minimised and arrange that you learn the required skills from experienced people.

All adults in scouting have regular police checks and vetted by the organisation. Please see the child safe policy if you are interested.

Scouts is inclusive.

Scouts welcomes everyone and is free of any cultural, religious, racial, political or gender barriers.

Scout has no tolerance for bullying.

Scouts encourages you to get outdoors and try adventurous activities.

Scouts is fun.

Scouts equips you with a number of games, and the skills to make up new ones, so you can always come up with a physical game to play with friends.

Scouts encourages you to try new things.

Scouts encourages you to develop real skills, that help you not only survive, but take control of your life and flourish.


I owe a lot to Scouting. It had to be the most fantastic influence on my life. It taught me responsible risk-taking.

Dick Smith

As a young boy, scouting gave me a confidence and camaraderie that is hard to find in modern life.

Bear Grills

The method of instruction in Scouting is that of creating in the boy the desire to learn for himself.

Robert Baden-Powell

I have never forgotten my days as an Eagle Scout. I didn’t know it at the time, but what really came out of my Scouting was learning how to lead and serve the community. It has come in handy in my career in government.

Lloyd Bentsen

These wonderful people were all Scouts –
Steve Backshall, Robert Irwin, Bear Grylls, David Attenborough, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, Tony Blair, Catherine Duchess of Cambridge, Peter Garrett, Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, Venus Williams, Mariah Cary, David Beckham, Michael Jordan, Kieran Ault-Connell.

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